The Cloud PaaS platform
to grow your open source community ☁️
Want to provide your community members
with a cloud PaaS solution?
Try out Cloudnova with its one-stop dashboard,
billing, payouts and more.
Cloud As a Service
Automated deployments
- We handle the whole build & deployment process. From serverless deployments on Vercel to stateful servers on Google Cloud or AWS.
Tier selection
- Configure deployment tiers for your community members. Offer for example a lightweight development environment and a production grade redundant setup.
Managed billing
- Monetize your product. Let your community members pay without hassle for your product services or their deployed environments.
Product branding
- Your cloud, your theme and logo. We provide you a splash screen, one-click deployment button and themed platform based on your product style.
Launch your cloud 🚀
One time setup for your product.
Preconfigure deployment parameters now, your community members will thank you later.
1. Provide your branding
Onboard community members easily with your brand and logo.
Smoothly transition from your site and social media.
- Logo
- Colors
- Tailor made UI on request
2. Define your product components
A product typically consists of multiple components.
For example, a typical web application consists of a front-end, back-end and database. Allow your users to manage them all at once.
Web & API
- Your core application code
- MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL...
Queue system
- BullMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka...
Search Engine
- Elastic Search, Typesense, Meilisearch...
- Caching via Redis, asset storage via MinIO...
3. Choose deployment tiers
Provide your community with multiple tiers. Allow them to deploy an affordable development environment or a high-available production environment.
- Free development trial
- Production grade configuration
4. Share the link with your community
For every tier, we provide you a simple URL to invite your community to run their own PaaS cloud. Add the URL on your website, Discord, Slack, ...
5. Monitor growth and collect funding
Cloudnova provides a lean dashboard to monitor the growth of your community. It also monitors the additional funding obtained for your project from your users in the paid (bronze, platinum, …) tiers.
Get Started
Get in touch and we'll take care of your setup!
Get your cloud for free, and get paid as more members use your premium tiers.